🙌 Hi,

I’m SeungHo Choi but I use seungdols of nick-name. I love that study language, framework, and then programming. I like Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python Kotlin etc.

Nowadays, I interested in Go language and k8s (container), IaC(Infrastructure as Code), ansible, unit test, documentation. One more thing, I love happy hour other developers.

Github https://github.com/seungdols
twitter https://twitter.com/seungdols
tistory https://seungdols.tistory.com
E-mail seungdols0822@gmail.com

💼 Work Experiences

LinePlus Corporation

Period 2022.08 ~ ing
Position Back-End Engineer
Description Develop E-commerce system for line shopping service at Shopping Search Team
Projects Develop of shopping order, point-back, benefit Work
Period 2016.09 ~ 2022.07
Position Full-stack Engineer / Back-End Engineer Tech Lead (2021.05 ~ 2022. 07)
Description Develop Web Page and API, Batch, Admin tool for Shopping Search pages at Shopping Search Team
Projects Migrate outlink shopping mall fee from legacy system (kotlin / spring boot)
Projects PM/VM machine management and migration to K8S
Projects reorganization of the catalog (PC, Mobile), migrate from legacy(Java, Spring WebMVC) to NextJs/Node.js(koa)
Period 2016.07 ~ 2016.08
Position Full-stack Engineer Internship
Project Abuse detecting System Design

✍️ Blog


RocketFuel alfred workflow

Ref: https://github.com/seungdols/RocketFuel_alfred_workflow

This repository is that using alfred workflow for RocketFuel app. It’s very simple and just toggle for RocketFuel app.


Ref: https://github.com/seungdols/stil

This repository is a repository of what I have found while studying, and tips I have learned while working.



Django Girls December Meetup

Tree algorithm for study

  • Tree algorithm: I learned about tree algorithm and made the announcement.

Summary of cyber genome technical papers for malicious code

  • slide: I learned about malicious code, investigated the corresponding technology for the malicious code, and published the paper.

Network Virtualization

  • slide: I learned about network virtualization, and I talked about what these technologies are.

Compare SOAP vs RESTful

  • slide: I learned to compare SOAP services with RESTful services, and to announce the differences.

Sort algorithm for study

  • sort algorithm: I learned about sort algorithm and made the announcement.